Latest News:

The History of British Rock 'n' Roll

Volume 3 covering 1967 - 1969 is now available

Childrens' Books

My Adventure Books for children between 5 and 11 years old.
New releases!
Advanced My Adventure with Pirates.
My Adventure in Sweden
Advanced My Adventure with the Loch Ness Monster!

Articles on the Internet by Robin Bell

Read various articles, short stories etc. by Robin Bell appearing on the Internet.

Where does the lost sock in the washer and dryer go?

Click here for more details and ordering information
The History of British Rock 'n' Roll
The History of British Rock 'n' Roll covers the period between the late 1950's and through the 1960's.
Volume 1, The Forgotten Years covers the period 1956 - 1962, when British artists challenged the dominance of their American counterparts in the rock 'n' roll music scene
Volume 2, The Beat Boom, picks up the story in 1963 and covers the impact of the beat groups and the British Invasion up until the end of 1966...
Volume 3, The Psychedelic Years, picks up the story in 1967 and covers the development of psychedelia, progressive rock, folk rock, symphonic rock for the rest of the decade...
Click here for more details and ordering information
The Australian Outback - The History and Mythology of the Land Down-Under
Take a journey through space and time to discover the history, exploration, culture, traditions, myths and lifestyle of the Australian Outback from pre-history to tomorrow...

Click here for more details and ordering information
How Swede It Is
Have you ever wondered what it is like to move to a country where you don't speak the language and where traditions are subtly different from the country you left behind?
Join Robin Bell as he makes such a move from a hot, dry Australia to icy Sweden.

Click here for more details and ordering information
The Road to the Hermitage
What is it like to live on a remote 100 acre farm in the remote Southern Highlands of Australia? Where you have no mains electricity or water and the nearest shop is over 35 km away...
Join Robin Bell as he gets back to the basics.

Click here for more details and ordering information
My Adventure Books for Children
For children aged four to eight, the My Adventure series are as unique as the child that finishes them.
Every page calls for a new picture to be drawn and new words to be added.
For older children between eight and eleven, the Advanced My Adventure series offer longer and more advanced stories. The familiar blanks for words and pictures are still there, but now the topics are more detailed.

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